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Hot Cross Buns the Sicilian Way

Buona Pasqua!

Easter holds a special place in the hearts of Italians. It's a time for family gatherings, traditional festivities, and of course, indulging in delicious Easter foods.

Among these treats, the hot cross bun holds a cherished spot in many households, with its rich history dating back centuries. Originating as a symbol of Good Friday, these spiced buns adorned with a cross have evolved into a beloved Easter tradition, representing the essence of the season's festivities.

Now, imagine the irresistible fusion of Italian and Aussie flavours coming together in a delightful collaboration: Hot Cross Bun Cannoli! Partnering with our friends at Cobb Lane, renowned for their delectable hot cross buns crafted with luxurious Pepe Saya cultured butter, Australian dried fruit, and just the right amount of citrus peel, we've created a limited edition dolce treat that's truly a match made in dessert heaven.

Picture our signature crispy cannoli shells filled with the fragrant essence of spicy citrus hot cross buns, paired with That’s Amore Cheese ricotta filling – it's a culinary masterpiece that celebrates the spirit of Easter in every bite. Chocolate lined shells are also available for those looking for a little extra crunch. Delizioso.

Get ready to savour the flavours of the Easter season with our Limited Edition Hot Cross Bun Cannoli. Don't miss out on this unique Easter indulgence. Available in store from 28 March until sold out!

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